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Once upon a time, you were a chirpy person with a high life energy, bringing joy to the environment you entered and at the same time climbing the career ladder quickly...

What happened then?

Maybe you lost someone who you thought you couldn't live without, the happiness on your face, the happiness on your face gave way to sadness, maybe you thought you found the great love of your life, but you realized that you married the most terrible person when you were not like other marriages around you, especially your parents, and you can't leave, maybe you gave birth to a child, your career has changed. Maybe you encountered a disease that requires serious treatment, maybe you caused a person's life with a traffic accident...

Most of the time, you experience the feeling of being trapped, that you are experiencing the same things over and over again, that you cannot act even if you want to take a step, that restricts and suppresses you…

Are you getting angry with yourself? Are you blaming your surroundings? Is your anger increasing, maybe towards your child, maybe your spouse, maybe your friend, maybe your parents, as responsible for all your experiences?

Do you have a vengeance? Do you want to repay what was done to you?

Well, have you ever asked God? Did you fight with him? Why am I always experiencing the same things and why me? What is my reason for coming to this world?

We were born with a Solar Eclipse, we will go to eternity with a Lunar Eclipse... If you are looking for the reason for coming to Earth in this December, if you want to overcome all these trapped emotions, you should know yourself...

Muhyittin Ibnul Arabi says that he who knows himself knows his Lord.

Let us guide you to learn the codes of life,

Take your own hands and stand up….

With healing to the collective….

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